
Dr Mallikarjun Dambal

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Dr. Mallikarjuna Dambala is one among the direct disciples of great Ayurveda master Late Sir Dr. M. Eshwara Reddy in Taranath Government Ayurveda Medical College, Bellary. He acquired his degrees both B.Sc and B. A. M. S from Gulbarga University, Karnataka.

Dr. M. Dambala is a person who carries and cares for well being of the whole world in his heart always. So he always works for the betterment of the health of everyone ever. He was intended to focus and practice Ayurveda regarding food and regimen those which cause health and those which cause damage to health by his beloved Guru Dr. M Eshwara Reddy for this new era of various junk foods. And he achieved it in the practice field. He always has dedicated his life to following the motto of Ayurveda – SWASTHASYA SWASTHYA RAKSHANAM. ATHURASYA VIKARA PRASHAMANAM. – i.e., keeping one’s health in good status and recovering disease done from the disease. Regarding the same, he thought and brought up the concept – HOSPITAL FREE LIFE. – in this, inherited a simple, practical, and healthy lifestyle as our ancestors lived and so as the texts of AYURVEDA had mentioned. In addition, he simplified the concepts of Ayurveda medicines preparation. Promoting preservative-free, and instantly preparing medicines from his Pharmaceuticals ATHARVA AYURPHARMA VISION.

Dr.Mallikarjuna is a person who lives in Ayurveda and loves Ayurveda. His heart always meditates upon Ayurveda so he is now a living encyclopedia of Ayurveda for the students of Ayurveda & for the Ayurveda practitioners. His Guru specifically mentioned him to not stop teaching Ayurveda to the disciples. on behalf of our ancient saints of Ayurveda, it is our duty to carry forward our science for now and for tomorrow. Dr.M.Dambala realized his guru’s saying and started teaching Ayurveda the way he was blessed in various colleges. Many of the students he had taught are now practicing in various parts of India and outside of India too.

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